What Is Homeopathy?

Etymologically the word "Homeopathy" comes from the Greek. Homoios = similar and patheia = disease.
The word “homeopathy” refers to the concept that a disease can be cured with a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people "like cures like".
It was developed in the late 18th century in Germany and is currently used as an effective alternative medical practice based on the belief that the body can heal itself with the help of the correct natural stimuli.
Homeopathy constitutes a non-invasive comprehensive and individualized healing system applicable to all stages of life since it considers the integral state of health of each person and addresses each particular condition with over the counter homeopathic remedies adapted to each individual circumstance.
Homeopathy is an alternative healing art and its treatment does not replace any conventional immunization program nor does it replace any proven conventional care.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better”

Albert Einstein

Most of the natural substances used in homeopathic medications come from the plant kingdom. They are collected from their natural habitat and carefully selected.
Numerous animals, mostly arthropods, such as insects, arachnids, and scorpions; or animal secretions such as the venom of snakes, are the raw material of some homeopathic medicines.
Preparations are made with natural substances such as sea salt and crushed natural minerals.
Some homeopathic medicines are made from chemicals such as penicillin which is originally derived from common molds known as penicillium molds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Homeopathy is a type of energy medicine that promotes the healing process by stimulating the body’s immune and defensive system. It is also a type of natural medicine because it uses remedies produced from natural sources and is considered a type of holistic medicine because it treats the individual as a whole.

Conventional medicine considers “pathology” or disease as the result of a modification in the anatomy and functioning of an organ or system. Homeopathy does not consider the disease as a defined pathology, but rather treats the person suffering from a disease as a whole (mind, emotion and body) taking into account individual characteristics.

Homeopathy is an effective method of healing and treats any type of acute and chronic conditions that are potentially curable.

Homeopathy uses remedies made from substances found in nature such as plants, minerals, animals, and chemicals.

Homeopathic medicine stimulates the patient’s defensive self-healing capacity, providing restoration or at least a general improvement in health.

No. Herbal medicine uses herbs (in the form of tinctures, teas, or capsules) to treat a condition. Homeopathy uses plants, minerals, animals and chemicals in very small doses. The selected natural substance becomes a homeopathic remedy through a very specific process called “potentiation” that involves dilution and sequential shaking.

It is natural and offers an effective treatment without adverse effects.

Yes. However, some conventional medications such as antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills, antiarrhythmics, antihypertensives, and hormones can inhibit the action of homeopathic medicine.